jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Do you think our personal information is really safe from strangers and other risks when we make a post?

No because every one can see it or steal it when you post some thing it have persons that work fort the company that can see it an the hackers can put that thing in public or steal many of your things in social media and then publish them

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Fails in resources

Why some personal information becomes susceptible of being accessed easily through some online resources?

The reason is that your info is seen 24/7 by the controllers of the page that need to know abut you and they are some rats that can publish or share personal info about you they always can be hackers. Also their are pages without a good security system

Or Can happend that the company of the web share information about you without your permission.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

Cloud and education


How cloud computing is doing some changes in education?  

VIRTUAL CLASSROOMS: A way that cloud change the education, is by virtual
classrooms. With this tool you can study by your computer. You do not waste too many paper.
But you miss something that you have in the real school and is friendship.

BETTER EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Thanks to this more people can
study different things of academic, or professional courses. People can study
computer science, medicine, data science and variety of subjects.

THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION:We can say that the access for the information
is easier and faster because you only put the thing or name of what or who you want to
search and theinformation appear. Why? Because the information is saved in the cloud and some
apps like google have free access to the information in the cloud and you can download it.

THE CLEAR INFORMATION:The information is clear and complete, is
easier than a book or encyclopedia because the info is already searched by
someone else and you only need to see it and compare with two o three if
you think that is incomplete, and also you need to put pdf to search complete, clear
and true information not wikipedia

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

The cloud and collaborative work

How Cloud computing process has influenced importantly in the development of collaborative online processes?

It has influence because the process in the blog or post can save in the cloud and put in the internet for example ( Wikipedia, Tumblr, Blogger, etc)

If the cloud computing had not been created, it couldn't be upload to the internet and modified at any time.

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

a-Can cloud computing be considered an effective alternative to manage information these days?

Yes, because is a new form to save our information in a digital way and we can have more space to storage our information and is not like in the past that the personal computer do not have a lot of space to storage; also you can look it out all the time and make constant improvements.

Also no, because in the cloud some hackers can enter and see or rob the information, sometimes the servers can fall down and take a lot of time to power up again.

b-What processes have been improved as a result of cloud computing implementation?

Storage: now we have more space for storage information and we can enter or access on a simple way, from any place in the world.Searching: now we can search the necessary information fast, simply and in a digital form.Communication: now is possible and fast the file transfer between people even in long distances, also cloud computing could improve the quality of calls and messages